Zsolt, in the past 22 years, has led the sourcing/procurement function at 5 multinationals (GE, MOL, Symbol, Telenor, Ericsson) and has gained international experience in the US and in the UK besides Hungary. He participated in the leadership of an organizational integration after a company acquisition, and also in the setup of a European level shared service procurement function. Since 2013, he has been a Partner and the managing director at ProcurCon Kft.
His key management practices cover, among others, sourcing strategy development, company level cost improvement, project management, business process reengineering, six sigma quality development, implementation of electronic tools in purchasing, outsourcing, and organizational development including the assessment and training of purchasing professionals, recruiting talents.
Zsolt holds an MCIPS qualification since 2005 and has also been actively involved in developing the purchasing profession in Hungary for 14 years (see details in Social Engagement block).
Zsolt Gábor
Nándor has 20+ years practice in purchasing management and has also gained experience as purchasing consultant.
He started at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, then he spent 4 years at the Commercial Section of Hungarian Embassy in Germany where he represented the Hungarian chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Later he joined Chemol Foreign Trade Ltd., where he worked as sales and purchasing specialist. He has led the purchasing activity of Chinoin (member of Sanofi Group) from 1994 to 2012. Since 2013, he has been a Partner and senior purchasing consultant at ProcurCon Kft.
His key management practices include, among others, the centralization of procurement, the outsourcing of certain central administrative functions, cost rationalization, measuring and improving procurement efficiency, organizational development, training and recruiting professionals.
Nándor has been actively involved in developing the purchasing profession in Hungary for 14 years (see details in Social Engagement block).
Nándor Kemendy

About us

Two of the most senior purchasing professionals in Hungary have joined their efforts to provide a superior purchasing service from small to big size companies in Hungary and the CEE region.

The focus of our activity includes Consulting, Coaching, Assessing and Developing Organizations, Training, Recruiting, Benchmarking, and Outsourcing activities that require significant experience in the field of Procurement, Purchasing and Sourcing.
Our Partners are the natural discussion companions of the CEOs, CFOs, CPOs and other relevant Leaders of Companies, when the development of the Procurement function is on the table.

Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.

Zsolt & Nandor have


500 million


Developed and led

420 professionals



45 years


Worked with the following companies


  • Assembling, assessing, developing, and right-sizing medium and big size procurement and sourcing organizations in Hungary and Europe
  • Hiring and coaching key procurement talents
  • Auditing, benchmarking and developing processes in the supply chain
  • Leading a Shared Service procurement function internationally (Europe) 
  • Identifying and delivering financial savings with deep professional knowledge
  • Working with numerous suppliers on their performance improvement and progress 
  • Leading hundreds of procurement projects in a wide spectrum of categories

Social engagement

Nandor and Zsolt were among the five professionals who initiated and established a Hungarian association of purchasing leaders in 2002 (Purchasing Leaders‘ Club/PLC). This initiative became a chapter of HALPIM (Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management), which is the Hungarian partner and representative of IFPSM (International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management). 

Both Nandor and Zsolt have been active in the Leadership of PLC since its establishment and Nandor holds the title of Founder Chairman. Zsolt is currently a Board Member of HALPIM in which Nandor also took an active role for several years.

They were both among the initiators in setting up and launch  a formal, one year purchasing post-gradual education program in Hungary in cooperation with Corvinus University of Budapest and HALPIM, in which courses they are still lecturers. 

Zsolt participated in the CEN-PUMA initiative of the European Union, where he worked toward developing purchasing standards for the European Countries.

Zsolt was a member of the core team initiating and establishing the Ferenc Cserepkei Maths Award in the Secondary School of St. Istvan (Budapest, Hungary) in 2008.

News & specials


  • Although there has been a noticeable improvement in the field of business ethics in the private sector of the CEE region during the past decades, we encourage a continuous discussion and training about the topic - within the companies and among industry players - to support the continuous development of the ethical culture.
  • Many service providers train purchasing professionals for negotiation, however – based on our experience - very limited number of trainers understand and deliver the essence of the win-win negotiations.
  • We strongly believe that although Purchasing has been challenged to push prices down, purchasers need to put prices into a broader context, and calculate with the total cost of ownership of the particular category items (TCO) at the same time.
  • Procurement and Sourcing organizations have to look even beyond the TCO as well. Their value delivery – toward the company – would cover the engagement of the suppliers to improve cost positions in both sides, to ensure stable quality and optimized supply, and to proactively communicate with their customers (eg. our Company) on any risk issues.

HR Services for the Procurement function

  • Assessing the Organization
    It includes the evaluation of the positioning, the role and other relevant aspects of the existing procurement organization as a whole and the members of the organization as well. Both the hard skills (procurement knowledge and experience) and the soft skills are evaluated and summarized.
  • Developing an Improvement Plan
    Based on the findings of the assessment a tailored improvement plan is pulled together, then discussed and finalized with top management. The content of this improvement plan is mainly a customized training program for the team, furthermore, proposals are made toward organizational changes on request.
  • Training of Procurement Staff
    Module based, structured training program is offered, from which the above improvement plan can be assembled. Our trainers and cooperating partners are among the most experienced procurement professionals on the Hungarian market and in the CEE region.
  • Coaching by Profession
    Our 45+ years of practical procurement leadership experience helps us openly discuss current procurement issues with active procurement leaders and colleagues in order to improve both personal and professional efficiency for them.
  • Recruiting Required Talents / missing competencies
    (including leaders and team members)

    Missing competencies and required talents into new and open positions can be acquired by customized search on the market. As a specific service provider for a growing Client base, Our Partners have collected significant experience in identifying/selecting/hiring procurement team members and managers.
  • Talent as a Service
    (interim and outsourced solutions)

    In a growing number of cases, Clients require procurement support or resource for a predefined period only. These companies can optimize their cost/value equation by utilizing our interim/outsourced services.
  • Providing Salary Benchmark
    Both HR leaders and Procurement managers need reliable market information on compensation levels and trends in properly segmented structures. We are able to provide statistical averages for a wide range of procurement positions, which figures are updated on a regular basis.

Procurement Services

  • Assessing the Procurement Process
    It includes the review of existing procurement processes, evaluating and benchmarking its different aspects to international standards. Based on a gap analysis, our Partners, together with the Client’s management team, are developing an Improvement Plan. An executive proposal concludes this service element. 
  • Project as a Service
    (special focus on more complex procurement needs, like CAPEX, FM, Energy, etc.)

    Typically, it covers tender processes that start with preparing the specification with Clients and close with finishing the contract preparation with the selected supplier. Our Partners have wide range of experience in handling supplier situations (strategic partnerships, leverage and bottleneck situations, routine purchases).
  • Automating the Process
    (e-Procurement and e-Sourcing solutions through our Partner organizations)

    Process automation is a key element of today’s company level efficiency improvement efforts. Procurement automation (implementing of support tools) is part of this stream. Process steps can be automated one-by-one or in an integrated manner depending on the actual business situation.
  • Reviewing, reworking and implementing KPI systems and the necessary control plans
    Key performance indicators (KPI) are inevitable in measuring and benchmarking the maturity of the procurement process. The system of these indicators should be customized and adapted to the actual business situation of the Client and their procurement function.
  • Supplier Management – reviewing and developing the process, and boosting supplier performance
    Companies normally utilize one or more aspects of this subject, but rarely implement all aspects thoroughly. Our experienced Partners provide a comprehensive review of what is possible to be done and select - together with Clients - of what is really needed in their Operations. Afterwards, our Partners will be ready to provide professional support during the implementation (or even project manage it).
  • Cost Management - measuring, analysing, improving and controlling the process
    (e-solutions if necessary)

    Cost management becomes key in today’s successful company management. Various techniques are applied in different companies, while all of them equally cover the identification of the potentials, the exploring, structuring and implementing the ideas, and monitoring the applied changes and results. The Procurement function can play various roles in this initiative, and our Partners will identify the best tailored solution for the Clients, and their management team.
  • Customized Support to Clients
    (incl. Sourcing Strategy Development, etc.)

    Under this open frame service offer, our Partners are ready to operationally lead or just facilitate company level procurement/sourcing initiatives that are aligned with relevant company strategies and targets. Our Clients are keen on utilizing the 45+ years of practical procurement leadership background that our Partners will bring to the table.


Partner organizations

H-1141 Budapest,
Jeszenák János utca 85.
+36 30 940 1705, +36 30 212 7880
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